• 302-645-6227
  • 217 Anglers Rd. Lewes DE 19958

Togtober, er, Togvember

Lewes Harbour Marina - 11/3/2016 12:00:00 AM

Hey welcome back! We've had a few technical difficulties but now we are back up and running! And, as if on cue, the wind finally stopped blowing....well at least enough to get out fishing a few days. We have had front after front roll through with high winds which have not only kept boats tide to the dock and surf anglers safely inside, but also roiled the waters. The murky water has certainly made for some tough fishing

Happily, however, hardy anglers have been able to get out recently with some fine Indian summer weather. Capt. Rick Yakimowicz aboard the all-day headboat out of Fisherman's Wharf in Lewes reports that things have been picking up

"We have seen good fishing on each of our recent trips," the veteran skipper stated. "There have been lots of limits and several quality and citation sized fish over 7 lbs. We still are seeing the occasional trigger or sheep's head and there has been a crazy amount of puppy sized Black drum around. It's been some really good fishing." Tog can be found along the rock piles that line the Harbor of Refuge, and on pretty days they are lined with small boats trying to get in on the tog bite. The fishing here is not for the inexperienced and requires both experience and sangfroid to pull off. If you've never fished the wall it's highly advised that you go with someone who has (safely) before trying it alone. Fishing the wrecks and reefs also requires some experience. Fortunately there are lots of folks that would love to take you fishing!

One such noted captain is Capt. Vince "Killer" Keagy on the Miss Kirsten, who took Jane Martin and Karl Ledford of Lancaster County out to the wall for a pair of 5.68 and 6.15 tog. The Wall also yielded nice 6.57 pounder for John Shoemaker on the Angry Angle, a 5.85 pounder for Jayvon Laguerre, a pair of nice 5.85 and 7.05 pound tog for Charlie Breithenback, a fine 8.39 pound and six pound even tog for Larry Hughes, a 21" inch dandy tog for Sheila Stohler, as well as a 4.51 pounder for nine year old Aaron Bell, and a 6.5 pounder for Greg Curley. Bay structure accounted for a boat limit for Patrick Krajewski and Ethan Malone.

Crab is by far the best bait going to boat some tog. Green or Asian box crabs are favorites, along with the staple sand fleas. This is not a sport for light tackle, as it takes some heavy gear to extract the tog from their hiding places.Bay tributaries are choked with slot stripers now that the season is closed! A few nice ones have been taken in the bay, with good old Gene nailing a legal fish last week. Some fish have also been coming from Indian River inlet though mostly at night. Interestingly, there have also been some small red drum in the mix as well. Speaking of drum, there have been some of the more familiar to our waters black drum around, and tog anglers have been finding some on ocean structure while togging. Jay and Morgan Way from Harrisburg, PA nailed a couple pair of drum with one just over twenty pounds, and one just under on sand fleas.

Bluefish have been showing in the inlet as well as some still making a showing in the surf. In other action sea bass fishing has been very good for the boats venturing out in search of these delicious fish. Capt. HD Parsons of Fisherman's Wharf has been running some ten hour trips and each of his recent outings has resulted in a full boat limit and an early return to dock. Those trips set sail on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Good to be back just in time for some fast fall fishing. Good luck to you all this weekend and let's hope the wind gives us a break!
