• 302-645-6227
  • 217 Anglers Rd. Lewes DE 19958

October 30th Report

Lewes Harbour Marina - 10/30/2017 3:22:33 PM

We have to believe that with this cold front coming in that the fishing will start to pick up. I am a firm believer that the weather directly effects wether the fish bite or not, and further more the big fish start to become more aggressive when feeding. Now with that being said, the tog bite has gotten better over the last week or so, sea bass continues to be very good and we are starting to see some decent size stripers being caught in local waters. These are not migrating fish, but the resident stripers, the migrating fish are still further north making their way south. We hope too start seeing them show up in the coming weeks.

Their have been some large tog caught and we are still seeing black drum hit the table. The charter boats that are heading deep for sea bass are recording stellar catches, with some big tog mixed in, as well as large trigger fish. The surf is still producing small bluefish, some weakfish and some keeper stripers.

If you need to pick up some gear for the late fishing season stop by and see us, we have all your sea bass and striper gear ready to go. We have a full line of MOJO rigs, bottom fishing rigs and plenty of bait for all your needs.

Tight lines everyone, Tommy Serbin.

October 23rd Report

Lewes Harbour Marina - 10/23/2017 12:00:00 AM

Black sea bass season is open and anglers are off to a great start with boat limits. The sea bass have been plentiful on inshore structure as well as some good locations off shore. Some bluefish have been mixed in as well as a porgy or two. Tautog fishing is improving, but the water temperature is still playing a big factor in catching the big heavy ones. Hopefully with some help from Mother Nature the water temps will drop some more to help spark a big feeding frenzy on the larger Tautog. The surf continues to produce small bluefish, some king fish and surprisingly enough even some red drum and a few scattered keeper stripers. Lets all keep our fingers crossed that we have a great fall fishing season. LHM has live spot and eels, green crabs, sand fleas and Asian box crabs.

Tight lines everyone, Tommy Serbin.

October 16th Report

Lewes Harbour Marina - 10/16/2017 12:00:00 AM

This past weekend saw a lot of big sheepshead being caught by anglers all over the area. Seems that these ?sh have found their way from normal more Southern water homes to further north to our area. The trigger ?sh have still been plentiful enough to give anglers something to target along with the sheepshead. Tautog are still being caught and hopefully, this weather will drop the water temps enough to start pulling the big ones from their homes in the rubble. Shelia Stohler is still sitting in 1st place with her 6.82lb tog in our Annual Tautog tournament, James Rodek sits in 2nd with a 6.53lb tog, and Jason Destafney is in 3rd with his 5.42lb ?sh. The surf is still producing blues which seem to be getting bigger by the day. Reports are that they are getting to the 20 inch size. We hope some linesiders start showing up due to the weather blowing them south to us.

Tight lines everyone, Tommy Serbin.

October 11th Report

Lewes Harbour Marina - 10/11/2017 12:00:00 AM

Trigger fish and sheepshead are plentiful at the icebreakers and the walls out at safe harbor. The Tautog have started getting a little bigger and more and more anglers are starting to target the toothy critters. The water temp is still a little warm but hopefully over the next couple of weeks it will cool down and start producing larger tog. Small blues and some kingfish have been being plucked from the surf on clam and mullet. The flounder action has slowed up, but that is normal for this time of the year. We all would like to see the stripers show up this year, along with some big bluefish. That would make for a great fall season. Congratulations to TEAM LHM for a 1st place finish in the first session, and a 2nd place team finish overall in the MID-ATLANTIC Surf tournament. The charter boats here on the canal had a great weekend catching big sheepshead, some keeper tog, and even some sea trout.
