It seems like summertime flounder action is off to a good start. Flatties continued to come from Lewes Canal and Broadkill River. Art and Bill Inden fished a couple hours of ebb tide on the Canal Monday afternoon, and returned with five nice keepers taken while drifting minnows. Chad Wentworth and Nick Psaroudakis, creator of the popular Nicks Rigs, used that custom tied gear to capture their eight Canal flounder limit in short order during outgoing tide Thursday. The rigs were tipped with minnows and shiners. Hudson Keller checked in early Friday morning with a pair of flatfish to 21 inches he had while kayaking Roosevelt Inlet. A Spro bucktail sweetened with Gulp! did the trick. Delaware Bay structure also yielded flounder. On Monday, Jack Henriksen, Ricky Mills and Bob and Greg Horton had 8 keeper fluke and a pile of croakers at Site 8. Greg had big fish honors with his 4.75 pounder. Air temperatures were hot Tuesday, and so was catching for flukers on Katydid, who brought back 22 from the Bay. Panfish catches have been good for Delaware Bay bottom bouncers. Plenty of croakers were found around Reef Sites 5 and 8. Kingfish and blowfish were mixed in. Croakers moved into Lewes Canal in good numbers, and anglers fishing from the bank or the Town Dock hooked numerous hardheads while baiting with bloodworms or clams. Ocean fluking has also been pretty decent. Captain Brent took his Wednesday regulars on Katydid to the big pond for 27 keepers. Wayne Demarco, Joe Pergeorelis, Ray Ganc and Daryl Mergenthaler worked Site 11 for their limit of quality flounder. Daryl decked a 7.2 pound doormat during that excursion. Mike Davis drifted the Old Grounds with cut bait Wednesday for his limit of nice flatties. Thursday flukers on Katydid put 23 in the box. Levi Byler boated a 7.11 pound citation earner on the Old Grounds Thursday aboard the Adventurer. Stripers roamed Lewes Canal, and could be caught by drifting eels around the drawbridge, or casting a variety of artificials along the marsh banks. The summer striped bass slot size season is effective from July 1st through August 31st. During that time, anglers may retain two striped bass between 20 and 25 inches per day. The reduced size requirement applies only to Delaware Bay and it's tributaries. There was a good inshore tuna bite early in the week, with a mix of yellowfins and bluefins reported at the Hot Dog and Tea Cup. However, heavy boat traffic from trollers spread out the fish by weeks end, and catches dwindled. Bill Swords and Bill Wiest boated a 45 pound bluefin and an 18.4 pound dolphin at the Hambone Thursday. Herb Guest and the guys on Port-A-Bella got a pair of yellowfins near the Dog. Ed Sigda's crew on the Snow Goose trolled up two yellowfins and 4 mahi in twenty fathoms. Shawn Gallagher used a Flippy Floppy Thing to tempt the 44 inch dolphin he landed aboard Free Spool.

Possible Record Tilefish
After the new moon, tidal currents started to let up in Delaware Bay, and flounder catches improved. Flatties were reported from Site 5 in Broadkill Slough, and from Reef 8, the Star Site. On Monday, Captain Brent's flukers aboard Katydid kept 14 nice fish. Captain Brent's Wednesday crew captured 16 keepers. On Saturday, anglers on Katydid limited out with 24 flatfish taken while drifting squid and shiners over Bay structure. On Saturday, Captain Walt Wilson checked in a pair of fluke to 23 inches he boated while bouncing strips of cut croaker across the Star Site. Taylor Myers and Rob Homrighausen had 7 keeper flounder at the Site 8 Saturday aboard Martha Marie. Jack Henriksen and Ricky and Todd Mills took advantage of good conditions on the Star Site Saturday, and put together a fine catch of six nice keeper flatties. Croakers, kingfish and spike trout also hung around Sites 5 and 8. Anchoring right on the piles of rubble produced better sized hardheads than drifting the fringes. Clams, squid strips, bloodworms and Fishbites were favored offerings. A few larger trout were pulled off lower Bay rockpiles. Frank Kossek caught a 27 inch weakfish by tossing a D.O.A. Terroreyz at the Inner Wall. Anglers around Roosevelt, and in Lewes Canal and Broadkill River continued to hook flounder, and increasing numbers of croakers. Young Mathew Popovich hooked his first ever flounder this week, a plump 19 incher that grabbed a squid and minnow sandwich in front of Lewes Yacht Club. Ethan Poore also had his first keeper flattie this week in Broadkill River. Jim Malone and Michele Brandli stopped by with flatties to 17.5 inches they pulled for Boadkill River. Rick Wyatt wound in a 21 incher that couldnt resist a squid and minnow combo in the River. Ocean flounder action was decent as well. Captain Brent's gang aboard Katydid limited out, with 24 fluke to 5.5 pounds at Site 11 Saturday. West Sarver checked in with some flounder to 3.3 pounds from the Old Grounds. Rick Lawson landed a 5.1 pound flattie on the Old Grounds as well. Wes Grove and his buddies bounced natural bottom inshore of DB Buoy Friday for their dozen fluke limit, including the near citation 6.85 pounder boated by Wes. Offshore anglers encountered tuna, dolphin and billfish. Best recent action happened inshore of Poor Mans Canyon, between the 990 line and the 000s, from 30 to 50 fathoms. Whales signaled the presence of bait in the area, and crews that found whales or bunches of bait early and late in the day usually got bit by yellowfins in the 30 to 50 pound class. Flippy Floppy Things and squid spreader bars were the weapons of choice. Jeff Hoepfl and his crew on Joint Venture trolled up four good yellowfins and two dolphin there Saturday, but a giant tiger shark clipped off one tuna behind the head before they could get it in the boat. Captain Carey's group on the Grizzly had three yellowfins below the Triple 0s Saturday. Rick Thompson reeled in and released a White Marlin that attacked a Flippy Floppy Thing towed behind Katydid in that area Friday. Rick's gang also returned to the dock with a pair of yellowfins and some mahis. Tyler Freeman, Kevin Rakoski and Bob and Scott Love landed a 63.5 pound yellowfin and four dolphin to 10.5 pounds while trolling the Baltimore Friday. Canyon deep droppers did well with bottom dwellers. Captain Brent's bottom bouncers put a big batch of blueline and golden tiles, plus rosefish, ling and sea bass in the box at the Wilmington Tuesday. In addition, they took home a nice yellowfin and three gaffer mahis. Geoff McCloskey and his crew captured a 32 pound golden tile among others they got in the Baltimore, along with a nice yellowfin, aboard Tutta Benne. Ed Sigda and the boys on Snow Goose had a good trip to the Baltimore Friday. Mike Fritz released a white marlin during the outing. After trolling, the guys switched to deep dropping. That's when Bill Fintel muscled in a double header of blueline tiles that nailed bluefish chunks at the bottom. The largest fish tipped the scales to 19.7 pounds, and has been submitted for consideration as a new Delaware State Record for Blueline Tilefish.
Flounder Still Inside
Decent numbers of flounder continue to come from Lewes Canal, Broadkill River and Roosevelt Inlet. Most productive times seem to be at the beginning and end of flood tide. Joe Kuhn and family worked the Canal and inlet during the week for several keepers, the largest being Pam Kuhn's 5.16 pounder that pounced on a minnow. Terry Neighbors nailed a 3.66 pounder in the Canal. Jeff Becker boated a 6.55 pound beauty of a doormat in Broadkill River yesterday afternoon. Shallow water along the Ferry Jetty and Inner Wall also yielded flatties. Jim and Chris Donaldson waited until the crowds thinned out to do their Father's Day thing. They worked white Gulp! around the Inner Wall Monday for their limit of flatfish to 4.92 pounds. Steve and Dylan Sheffy decked 4 keeper fluke to 3.33 pounds from the Cape Shores pier yesterday using Gulp! Ocean flounder action has been improving, but success depends on good conditions. Captain Brent's flukers on Katydid drifted the Old Grounds Wednesday where they boxed 17 keepers. Ron Mistretta reeled in a pair of 5 pounders on that trip.
Ocean Flounder Action
Ocean flounder action is on the upswing. Boaters working natural bottom of the Old Grounds and artificial structures at Reef Site 11 recorded decent catches during the week. One of the most notable came for flukers with Captain Brent aboard the Katydid on Wednesday. His group ended up with their limit of 44 flatties to 5 plus pounds while drifting Site 11. Ernie Stone checked in Friday with 4 fluke to nearly five pounds from his trip to Ocean structure on Thelma Dale IV. The subway cars are still giving up sea bass, ling and cod. A group of hard fishin' locals loaded up with bass, hake, codfish and fluke there on the Katydid Thursday. Matt Mundok took big fish honors with his 5.75 pound flatfish. Anglers on Katydid took 9 keeper flatties to 5.5 pounds Saturday, and 14 more Sunday. Rick Lawson landed a 5.11 pound flounder while drifting a minnow and squid sandwich on the Old Grounds Saturday. Farther offshore, tuna trollers found yellowfins and bigeyes in the Baltimore and Wilmington Canyons. Its been all about "That Flippy Floppy Thing"! Crews pulling the crazy daiseys created by Bill Pino at Squidnation report the chain's radical action drives fish wild, and both tuna and billfish find the lures irresistible. Shawn Gallagher and his guys on Freespool trolled between the Baltimore and Wilmington Canyons Wednesday for eleven nice yellowfins. Captain Brent's Friday group aboard Katydid worked the Wilmington for 3 keeper yellowfins from 36 to 41 pounds, and two that were released. Travis Clouse landed the 41 pounder. The guys also had some gaffer mahis, including a 17.9 pounder for Jay Clouse. Geoff McCloskey and his crew aboard Tutta Benne took a single yellowfin while trolling the Baltimore Sunday, then switched to deep dropping and put 4 pretty golden tile to nearly 32 pounds in the box. Back inshore, Delaware Bay anglers encountered croakers, kingfish and blowfish around the artificial reefs. Sites 5 and 8 were productive. Patrons on the Angler Headboat had good catches through the weekend. New moon currents created tough drift conditions for Bay flukers, but there was a small window of opportunity at the end of ebb tide around reefs 5 and 8. Captain Carey put together a limit of eight quality fluke from 3 to 4 pounds for Robert Willin and Liz Despard in just a short period of time Saturday. Small boaters and kayakers paddling through shallow water on Henlopen Flats between the pier and the Point found flatfish. Justin Gracely used Gulp Sandeels to secure three keeper flounder on the flats. Steve and AJ Wiles fished minnows near the burned out part of the pier from their two man kayak for five nice keepers. Josh Stevenson used his canoe to get pier and capture a 22.5 inch fluke. Flatties also continued to come from Broadkill River and Lewes Canal. Walt Clark put Kate and Steve Simons on their first ever flounders Saturday morning in the Broadkill. Paul Francks pulled a 21 incher from Canary Creek. A shiner on a pink Nicks Rig resulted in a 20.5 inch flounder from the Canal for Eilene Euston. Drew Holladay decked a 22.5 incher drifting Gulp in the Canal. Steve Warren landed three fine flounder to 5 pounds while casting a Nuclear Chicken Gulp from the Town Dock. Rockfish roamed the Canal as well. Joe Huk spent the day sharking but didn't get enough fishing in, so he made a couple casts when he got back to the Canal. A 32 inch striper was waiting for him and inhaled the chunk of mackerel he soaked on the bottom. Matt Slauch scored a 16.4 pounder by jigging a bucktail near the drawbridge. Boaters tossing Bomber plugs along the Outer Wall at dusk and dawn hooked keeper rock too.
Ocean Flounder Action
Ocean flounder action is on the upswing. Boaters working natural bottom of the Old Grounds and artificial structures at Reef Site 11 recorded decent catches during the week. One of the most notable came for flukers with Captain Brent aboard the Katydid on Wednesday. His group ended up with their limit of 44 flatties to 5 plus pounds while drifting Site 11. Ernie Stone checked in Friday with 4 fluke to nearly five pounds from his trip to Ocean structure on Thelma Dale IV. The subway cars are still giving up sea bass, ling and cod. A group of hard fishin locals loaded up with bass, hake, codfish and fluke there on the Katydid Thursday. Matt Mundok took big fish honors with his 5.75 pound flatfish. Anglers on Katydid took 9 keeper flatties to 5.5 pounds Saturday, and 14 more Sunday. Rick Lawson landed a 5.11 pound flounder while drifting a minnow and squid sandwich on the Old Grounds Saturday. Farther offshore, tuna trollers found yellowfins and bigeyes in the Baltimore and Wilmington Canyons. Its been all about That Flippy Floppy Thing! Crews pulling the crazy daiseys created by Bill Pino at Squidnation report the chains radical action drives fish wild, and both tuna and billfish find the lures irresistible. Shawn Gallagher and his guys on Freespool trolled between the Baltimore and Wilmington Canyons Wednesday for eleven nice yellowfins. Captain Brents Friday group aboard Katydid worked the Wilmington for 3 keeper yellowfins from 36 to 41 pounds, and two that were released. Travis Clouse landed the 41 pounder. The guys also had some gaffer mahis, including a 17.9 pounder for Jay Clouse. Geoff McCloskey and his crew aboard Tutta Benne took a single yellowfin while trolling the Baltimore Sunday, then switched to deep dropping and put 4 pretty golden tile to nearly 32 pounds in the box. Back inshore, Delaware Bay anglers encountered croakers, kingfish and blowfish around the artificial reefs. Sites 5 and 8 were productive. Patrons on the Angler Headboat had good catches through the weekend. New moon currents created tough drift conditions for Bay flukers, but there was a small window of opportunity at the end of ebb tide around reefs 5 and 8. Captain Carey put together a limit of eight quality fluke from 3 to 4 pounds for Robert Willin and Liz Despard in just a short period of time Saturday. Small boaters and kayakers paddling through shallow water on Henlopen Flats between the pier and the Point found flatfish. Justin Gracely used Gulp Sandeels to secure three keeper flounder on the flats. Steve and AJ Wiles fished minnows near the burned out part of the pier from their two man kayak for five nice keepers. Josh Stevenson used his canoe to get pier and capture a 22.5 inch fluke. Flatties also continued to come from Broadkill River and Lewes Canal. Walt Clark put Kate and Steve Simons on their first ever flounders Saturday morning in the Broadkill. Paul Francks pulled a 21 incher from Canary Creek. A shiner on a pink Nicks Rig resulted in a 20.5 inch flounder from the Canal for Eilene Euston. Drew Holladay decked a 22.5 incher drifting Gulp in the Canal. Steve Warren landed three fine flounder to 5 pounds while casting a Nuclear Chicken Gulp from the Town Dock. Rockfish roamed the Canal as well. Joe Huk spent the day sharking but didnt get enough fishing in, so he made a couple casts when he got back to the Canal. A 32 inch striper was waiting for him and inhaled the chunk of mackerel he soaked on the bottom. Matt Slauch scored a 16.4 pounder by jigging a bucktail near the drawbridge. Boaters tossing Bomber plugs along the Outer Wall at dusk and dawn hooked keeper rock too.
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